Wendy Wei

Project Manager

Wendy Wei is a highly skilled and experienced professional with a diverse background in security and event management. As the co-founder and project manager of Dispatch Dog, she plays a pivotal role in the company's success, focusing on coordinating and running internal projects and teams, as well as assisting with client onboarding.

Wendy's journey began at Xingyang Normal University, where she earned a Bachelor's Degree in Broadcasting and Hosting Art. Her professional career took off at Henan Weidun Security Service Firm, where she held various positions, including Manager and General Manager of the Operations Division. During her tenure, Wendy gained valuable experience in strategic planning, security policy development, and process improvement.

Wendy's ability to prioritize projects and deliverables, coupled with her excellent communication and organizational skills, enabled her to excel in her roles, ensuring the safety and security of guests, team members, and facilities. Her expertise in security system technologies, risk management, and customer service has also contributed to her success in the industry.

At Dispatch Dog, Wendy brings her strong project management skills and ability to multitask to help the company grow and excel. As project manager, she ensures that all internal projects run smoothly and efficiently, while also providing exceptional support to clients during the onboarding process.

With a proven track record in managing teams, creating strategic plans, and ensuring compliance, Wendy's unique skill set and commitment to customer service make her an invaluable member of the Dispatch Dog team. Her dedication to her work and focus on delivering outstanding results have established her as a key figure in the company's success.